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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The hardest time to say something is when you have so much you want to say, but don’t know where to begin. It’s 11.40pm. The date is Monday, December 27, 2010. I have just finished my usual junk food dinner and I have my glassful of Dr Pepper next to my computer. For many days I have been in this same situation yet nothing has materialized. However, now I am out of excuses as to why I should put away writing this first article. I have no option, but to let my electronic pen bleed on this electronic paper…

On the 2nd of December 2010, I left Cape Town to pursue a dream - more like a fantasy, that I had had ever since teenage hood. Over the years, this burning desire has been fueled by different raison d'ĂȘtres. At one point it was academic ambition, at another point it was romance. Later on, the motivation was to see the country and what it has to offer in terms of my future. More recently, with a new found love for travel, the drive to pursue the dream was merely just to see the country, no strings attached. However, by the time I left South Africa, all the above factors played a part in my finally putting my foot down and actually living that dream…

So, I would like to welcome you to my blog, an attempt to chronicle my time in the United States of America. I will be writing on an array of topics ranging from my life in this country and how I perceive life in this country to be, a comparison of South Africa/Zimbabwe and USA (the countries that I have lived in), my travels within the USA and many other topics. Please be advised that any views posted on this blog will based on what I would have experienced, mostly first hand, but will in no way be conclusive as I am only going to be in this huge country for a meager 3 months…

I hope that you will find this blog informative and will answer some of the questions that most people have been asking me about my trip. Feel free to send me any questions or topics that you would like me to write on. Being an engineer in training, my creativity in the writing department is very limited. So enjoy the blog. Next post will be up soon. Will try and write regularly so that I keep you all up to speed…

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