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Friday, June 24, 2011

Welcome to Juan-Thembie's Blog

So a lot of people have been asking me, “Thembie, whatever happened to your blog?” After going through many excuses, I decided to stick to my favorite - “It was called ‘Thembie in America’ and I’m not in America anymore.” The honest truth is that I was always dying to blog but with a busy semester, I never actually got any time. However, given that I always have something on my mind and I always want to say it, I figured I would start blogging again during my winter break. Coincidentally, I found myself on a trip to China right at the start of my break. Unfortunately, as most might have thought, this blog will not be called ‘Thembie-in-China’ or anything of that sort.

So what is this blog about? Well, this blog is more like my thinking space; a place where I can share my thoughts and views on different aspects of this crazy life of mine. Unlike my last blog, www.juan-thembie.blogspot.com will be more than just a travel blog. I am looking to make this a platform for discussions for a broad range of topics such as travel, entertainment, business, politics and just life in general. This blog will also serve as a platform for friends and family to interact and share their views on the topics raised here.

However, it should be noted that this blog is still under construction. For the next month or so, the blog will be undergoing several touch ups. Since I am going to be in China for the next 3 weeks (I’m actually on my way to China), I’m mostly going to be blogging on my experience here. I probably will not have time to put up finishing touches on the site. As a result, please bear with me if some of the stuff on the site does not make sense.

I hope you will enjoy the blog.

PS This post was meant to be posted about 2 weeks ago but I didnt know that Blogger was blocked in China. So please bear with me. Enjoy the blog


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